
It took me a long time and most of the world to learn what I know about love and fate and the choices we make, but the heart of it came to me in an instant, while I was chained to a wall and being tortured. I realised, somehow, through the screaming in my mind, that even in that shackled, bloody helplessness, I was still free: free to hate the men who were torturing me, or to forgive them. It doesn't sound like much, I know. But in the flinch and bite of the chain, when it's all you've got, that freedom is a universe of possibility. And the choice you make, between hating and forgiving, can become the story of your life.

Näiden ensimmäisten sanojen myötä olen jo myyty. Toivon, että tästä kehittyy sellainen kirja, jonka loppuun ei tahdo ikinä päästä. Tuhannen loistavan auringon loppuun päästessäni tuli aika tyhjä olo: mitä seuraavaksi? Ehkä Shantaram.